Visit of a Delegation from the Presbyterian Church in Iraq


His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II received a delegation from the Presbyterian Church in Iraq who came to visit him during his apostolic visit to the Archdiocese of Baghdad and Basra.
Their Eminences Mor Severius Hawa, Archbishop of Baghdad and Basra, Mor Timotheos Moussa Al-Shamani, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Mor Matta Monastery, and His Grace Mor Maurice Amsih, Director of Public Relations and Patriarchal Delegate in Al-Jazeerah and Euphrates, attended the meeting.
The pastors of the Presbyterian Church in Iraq greeted His Holiness and welcomed him in Baghdad wishing him a successful and fruitful visit. They also gave a short overview of the work that they are doing in Iraq.
His Holiness, in turn, thanked them for their visit and wished them a fruitful mission.

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