Visit to the Church of the Virgin Mary in Sol Nascente


His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II visit the Church of the Virgin Mary in Sol Nascente.
He was accompanied by their Eminences Mor Titus Boulos Touza, Syriac Orthodox Apostolic Nuncio in Brazil, Mor Selwanos Boutros Al-Nehmeh, Archbishop of Homs, Hama and Environs, Mor Chrysostomos Youhanna Ghassaly, Patriarchal Vicar in Argentina, Bishop Mor Faustino Jose Filio, and Very Rev. Raban Joseph Bali, Patriarchal Secretary and Media Office Director.
The choir of the parish chanted Syriac hymns and songs in Portuguese.
His Holiness blessed the faithful gathered in the church.
He also visited a shrine of the Virgin Mary where he prayed and blessed the visitors of the shrine.

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