Laying of Foundation Stone for a New Church – Fazenda Rio Grande


His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II laid the foundation stone for a new church in Fazenda Rio Grande – Curitiba.
His Holiness named the new Church “St. Mary and St. Aphrem” Church. He presided over the prayer of the blessing of the foundation stone of a new church.
Their Eminences Mor Titus Boulos Touza, Syriac Orthodox Apostolic Nuncio in Brazil, and Mor Selwanos Boutros Al-Nehmeh, Archbishop of Homs, Hama and Environs, were also present as well as Rev. Fr. Gesse and the clergy of the region.
In his speech, His Holiness spoke about the church as a place of community worship of the Lord and building a new church is a sign of the growth of the community and their desire to strengthen their relationship with God through prayer and praise.

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