Meeting with the Anglican and Eastern Churches Association


His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II meets with the Anglican and Eastern Churches Association (AECA), at the Faith House in London.
The meeting was attended by their Eminences: Mor Athanasius Touma Dakkama, Patriarchal Vicar in the United Kingdom, Mor Severius Hawa, Archbishop of Baghdad and Basra, Mor Theophilus George Saliba, Archbishop of Mount Lebanon and Tripoli, Very Rev. Raban Joseph Bali, Patriarchal Secretary and Media Office Director, and Very Rev. Raban Aphram Ozan.
Their Graces Anglican Bishop Christopher Chessun, Coptic Orthodox Bishop Anba Angelos, Armenian Orthodox Bishop Hovakim Maoukian, Greek Orthodox (Antioch) Bishop Selwan, and Rev. Fr. William Taylor were also present.
His Holiness discussed with the members of association the different ways to improve the cooperation between the Anglican Communion and the Eastern Churches.
His Holiness explained the current situation in Syria and Iraq and the persecution that the Christians are suffering from in the Middle East. He spoke about the different development projects that the Syriac Orthodox Church is implementing in order to help the Christians remain in their homeland.
He asked the sister churches to advocate for the peace in the Middle East.

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