Meeting with Minister for the Interior in the Kurdistan Regional Government

On January 26, 2019, His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II met with His Excellency Mr. karim sinjari Minister for the Interior in the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraqi Kurdistan.
He was accompanied by their Eminences: Mor Nicodemus Daoud Sharaf, Archbishop of Mosul, Kirkuk, Kurdistan and Environs, Mor Justinos Paulos Safar, Patriarchal Vicar in Zahleh and Bekaa, and Mor Timotheos Matta Al-Khouri, Patriarchal Vicar for the Patriarchal Archdiocese of Damascus, as well as Very Rev. Raban Joseph Bali, Patriarchal Secretary and Media Office Director.
His Excellency warmly welcomed His Holiness. They spoke together about the situation in Iraq and the region. His Holiness thanked His Excellency for the support he’s showing for Christians in Iraqi Kurdistan.

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