Holy Qurobo in Santiago Atitlan – Guatemala

On November 14, 2019, His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II celebrated the Holy Qurobo at the stadium of a public school in Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala.
In his sermon, His Holiness expressed his joy for being able to visit this community who are beloved members of the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch. He told them that they should not think worldly and be afraid because they are a small community; on the contrary, they should be encouraged with God’s words to the little flock not to be afraid. They should always rejoice in the Lord Who is strengthening them and protecting them. His Holiness pointed out that the eleven apostles were alone and felt afraid; but when they received the Holy Spirit, they were able to courageously go forth and proclaim the kingdom of the Lord and make disciples to the faith. His Holiness affirmed that we are the children of God because we received the Holy Spirit and His gifts in baptism. He gave us victory of Satan and his powers, therefore we should not be afraid. He emphasized that every Christian should focus on his relationship with God and grow in the spirit by reading the Holy Bible, following the commandments of the Lord and praying constantly.
At the end of his sermon, His Holiness expressed to the people that he is proud of their loyalty to the apostolic faith and faithfulness to the Holy Church. He asked the Lord to give them courage to remain steadfast in the faith and work for the development and improvement of their societies and country.

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