Feast of the Epiphany

On January 6, 2021, His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II celebrated the Holy Qurobo of the Feast of Epiphany at St. Severius Church in the Patriarchal Residence in Atchaneh – Lebanon.
His Eminence Archbishop Mor Chrysostomos Mikhael Shemoun, Patriarchal Vicar and Director of the Patriarchal Benevolent Institutions in Atchaneh, assisted His Holiness in the Holy Qurobo.
In his sermon, His Holiness spoke about the great divine event of the revelation of the Holy Trinity on the river of Jordan at the baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ. His Holiness pointed out that John the Baptist recognized the Lord Jesus Christ since he was in his mother’s womb, and he also recognized him when he approached him on the river of Jordan, and refused at first to lay his hands on him. His Holiness explained that the lay of hands which usually symbolizes the blessing, was not so; it is explained by the Church Fathers to be the handing over of the Old Testament to the Lord Jesus Christ by St. John the Baptist. This symbolizes that Christ has kingdom, prophecy and priesthood. His Holiness continued explaining how Christ had to complete all righteousness and to live according to the law in order to make it perfect. He concluded saying that St. John the Baptist prepared the way of the Lord by preparing people to be repentant. His Holiness invited all faithful to renew their faith which they proclaimed in their baptism in the Holy Trinity, and to renew their commitment to live their faith at all times.
His Holiness then presided over the procession and the special service for the Feast of Epiphany.

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