Ordination of Dn Fouad Kesenci Priest -St George Church -Norsborg

On September 24, 2021, His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II celebrated the Holy Qurobo at St. Georges Church in Norsborg.He was assisted by their Eminences Archbishops: Mor Julius Abdelahad Shabo, Archbishop of Sweden and Scandinavia, Mor Dioscorus Benjamin Atas, Patriarchal Vicar in Sweden, Mor Dionysius Issa Gurbuz, Patriarchal Vicar in Switzerland and Austria, Mor Philoxenus Mattias Nayis, Patriarchal Vicar in Germany, Mor Polycarpus Augin Aydin, Patriarchal Vicar in Holland, and Mor Joseph Bali, Patriarchal Secretary and Media Office Director.During the Holy Qurobo, His Holiness ordained Dn. Fouad Kesenci to be a priest for St. George parish in Norsborg.In his sermon, His Holiness congratulated the new priest and wished him a fruitful ministry. He also spoke about the necessity to continously seek to do the will of God, not the world’s ways. He explained that the Christian person always searches for the meaning of the things in his life, not caring for the appearances and shallow perspectives. He added that humility is a virtue that enables man to live on peace and enjoy God’s blessings.