Meeting with the Clergy & Council of Archdiocese of Mount Lebanon

On July 4, 2023, His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II met the priests, members of the Archdiocesan Council and institutions of the Archdiocese of Mount Lebanon and Tripoli, at the Patriarchal Residence in Atchaneh.

Their Eminences Archbishops: Mor Theophilos George Saliba, Patriarchal Counselor, Mor Chrysostomos Mikhael Shemoun, Patriarchal Delegate for the Archdiocese of Mount Lebanon and Tripoli and Patriarchal Vicar for the Benevolent Patriarchal Insitutions in Atchaneh, and Mor Joseph Bali, Patriarchal Assistant, attended the meeting.

During the meeting, His Holiness discussed the situation of the Archdiocese and its future following the retirement of His Eminence Archbishop Mor Theophilos George Saliba. He answered the questions presented about the steps that need to be taken according to the constitution of the church and the different needs of the Archdiocese.

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