Visit of the Charge d’Affaires of the Austrian Embassy in Syria

On August 20, 2023, His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II received His Excellency the Charge d’Affaires of the Austrian Embassy in Syria Mr. Peter Krois, accompanied by a delegation from the embassy, at the Patriarchate Headquarters in Bab Touma, Damascus.

His Holiness thanked His Excellency for his efforts to support the Syrian people and discussed with his guests the impact of the sanctions imposed on Syria and the effect they have on the daily lives of the Syrian people. He also spoke about the role of the church in supporting the people and the initiatives it is trying to implement to help them during these difficult times.

Their Eminences Archbishops: Mor Joseph Bali, Patriarchal Assistant, and Mor Augeen Al-Khoury Nemat, Patriarchal Secretary, also attended the meeting.

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